Montreal Lake Cree Nation is pleased to announce the public launch and demonstration of its new Cree language app which will go live on Friday, October 25, 2024 at 2:30 pm at Senator Allan Bird Memorial gymnasium with supper to follow at 5:30 pm.
Using the Lifespark App , we have recorded our language keepers and created the first ever app for our Nation to assist in our language reclamation journey. The app features 46 categories with 1150 words and phrases that the Language group has contributed to. Both the app and the materials on the website create a foundation where we can continue reclaiming our language through documentation and creating resources that are user friendly.
We have created language learning resources drawing from the language app to connect users to visual images, games and word finds that are posted on a Cree language website under the nīhithawīwin (Woodland Cree language) tab at